Field for performing arts

In One Breath / Water

Sun 22. 10. 2023, 10:00
TJ Tesla

The series of workshops and events is inspired by the world of synchronized swimming, which is inextricably linked to TJ Tesla na Lesná. Through three workshops we will focus on the exploration of body, water and breath and their interrelationships. The shared experiences will become the creative material for a performative event, an altered experience in water, on dry land, in architecture with a roof like a wave.

The second meeting is focused on WATER from different perspectives. Both on staying in it and on its ability to deform whatever we put into it. It's about the visual transformation of the body, the object, the video underwater, and also the sound that behaves differently in water. The aquabelles train in a very noisy environment because there are always several groups training at the same time and each group needs its own sound source. We would therefore like to try using underwater headphones or a speaker. Of course, the degree of our immersion in the water has a major influence on perception. This led us to the question of the costume with which we enter the water. Therefore, together with the participants we want to try out different variations of floating and together we want to design simple costumes that can be used in a joint performative act.

Workshop dates:
14/10, 9:30-17:00 body
22/10, 9:30-17:00 water
28/10, 9:30-17:00 breath

For more information about the project, please visit jasuteren.cz

❓ Want to get involved? (We would be very happy to welcome you to all three workshops and the final event, but you can also participate in only one of the workshops). Sign up via this simple form.

Authors: Eliška Říhová and Šárka Zahálková

Performers: Lenka Nahodilová, Matěj Šíma, participants of the workshops In one breath: Zdeňka Obalilová, Hugo Kuhl, Luisa Habrová, aquabelles from the TJ TESLA synchronized swimming team
Sound collaboration: Michal Kindernay, Pavel Boika
Camera, editing: David Mišťúrik, Aňa Babjárová

Thank you TJ TESLA for cooperation and providing the space.

The project is supported by the South Moravian Region.

Facebook Event

22/10/2023, TJ Tesla