Field for performing arts

In One Breath

Project launch 29/6/2023


What is there to do in one breath?

A year-round art project consisting of a series of workshops and events inspired by the world of aquabelles, which is inextricably linked to TJ TESLA in Lesná, Brno.

The three workshops we will present during October will focus on exploring body, water and breath and their possible relationships. The resulting experiences will become the material for a theatrical event by the artist duo Šarka Zahálková and Eliska Říhová, which will take place at the end of November in Lesná. The unique TJ TESLA building, with its wave-like roof and many unique features, is being explored by architectural historian Šárka Svobodová in several public architectural tours throughout the year. In One Breath is the next project of Terén, which is being developed as part of a series of one-off events called Nové sady.

Read the interview with the authors of the project Šárka Zahálková and Eliška Říhová, which was published on blog of the Centre for Experimental Theatre.

About authors:

Eliška Říhová is a theater director and graduated from the Department of Alternative and Puppet Theatre. Her work incorporates various theatrical approaches - from drama to site-specific performance to non-verbal theater. She directs at various Prague venues and often collaborates with non-actors. In addition to theater, she also works on radio and film.

Šárka Zahálková is a visual artist and curator whose work focuses on public space, working with it and the people who inhabit and use it. She participates in socially and community-engaged art projects. Currently, she works at the Centre for Open Culture in Pardubice as a curator of GAMPY - City Gallery Pardubice.

About local architecture:

The TJ TESLA is a sports hall in the middle of the Lesná housing estate in Brno, which is the brainchild of a collective of authors - Viktor Rudiš, Zdeněk Musil and Dagmar Glosová. The building is currently one of the most important examples of modern Czechoslovak architecture of the second half of the 20th century. The 1973-1982 building was a continuation of the construction of the Lesná housing estate, which is now one of the internationally and professionally recognised urban complexes created in our country after the Second World War. Due to the lack of sports facilities in the housing estate, the Tesla complex met this public demand and was created in the so-called "Z" Initiative, when citizens participated in the construction of the building as part of volunteer work. You can learn more about the architecture of this place in the Brno Architectural Manual.

Authors: Eliška Říhová and Šárka Zahálková

Performers: Lenka Nahodilová, Matěj Šíma, participants of the workshops In one breath: Zdeňka Obalilová, Hugo Kuhl, Luisa Habrová, aquabelles from the TJ TESLA synchronized swimming team
Sound collaboration: Michal Kindernay, Pavel Boika
Camera, editing: David Mišťúrik, Aňa Babjárová

Thank you TJ TESLA for cooperation and providing the space.

The project is supported by the South Moravian Region.

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