Field for performing arts

Luring Escape

Project launch 10/6/2024

Centrum experimentálního divadla

A series of participatory events inspired by the world of games, the phenomenon of escape rooms, and the good old "LoL" commentary.

The project Luring Escape is the work of a three-member team made up of Bernardeta Babáková, Kristýna Businská and Max Máslo. The events offer different perspectives on the world of male and female players, explore the format/medium of the game in different forms, delve into sci-fi genres and their narratives, and bring the shared experience of tackling quests and watching Let's Play.

The opening June event, Kompas, produced in collaboration with Ateliér duchů, will be followed by an escape game The Experience. Terén returns to the Center for Experimental Theater (CET) catacombs after a short break with the summer program, continuing the Spooky Butt and Order of Sonic Chaos series. The final event, Shared Respawn, offers a performative lecture, a guided Let's Play, and an exploration of the intersections between gaming and theater.

10/6 Kompas – vernissage
5–7/9 & 12–13/9 The Experience – escape game
14/9 Shared Respawn – live Let’s Play

About authors:

Bernardeta Babáková writes prose, poetry, and texts for the performing arts, and creates videos and audios. Her publications include the collection Sdílení polohy bylo ukončeno (Sharing Live Location Ended) (2021, Dobrý důvod publishing), the experimental collective text Sedimenty diagnózy wellness (2021, Faculty of Fine Arts and Host publishing houses), a zine created in collaboration with the collective RFK Nic se neuvolnilo a nic se neuuvolní (2022, Roleta publishing house), editorial and authorial contribution to the anthology Návod na přípravu člověka (2022, JAMU publishing house).

Kristýna Businská is a theater scholar working in the field of theater production. She focuses on interdisciplinary overlaps of performative projects and the dramaturgy of space. Together with Barbora Etlíková, she is involved in running a blog about theater - Podhoubí. She collaborates with Ladislav Zářecký and Hana Kokšálová on the Spirits of the Future project, whose first public output was the performance and installation DUXLUX (Trať 2023). She is the editor of CET's social media and blog, and contributor to the publication Experiment nikdy nekončí (Experiment Never Ends), where she reflects on the collaboration on the CET installation: Tvorba budoucnosti (Creating the Future). She works with Terén as a production assistant. Occasionally, she works as a theater critic and lecturer at HaDivadlo.

Max Máslo is an artist dealing with collective memory, social collapse, and the rise of post-communist liberalism. He works as an artist, cultural journalist, and DJ. He has exhibited at Displey, TIC, and Šopa Gallery. He is currently working on a video essay about the murder of Tsar Nicholas II and his family. He is a PhD student at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno.

Authors: Bernardeta Babáková, Kristýna Businská, Max Máslo
Collaboration: Ateliér duchů, Lumír Nykl, Jakub Hájek, Max Lysáček
Sound collaboration: Jakub Zbořil
Acting collaboration: Barbora Dobišarová

Luring Escape is another project of Terén, which is part of a series of one-off events called Nové sady.

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