Field for performing arts

Luring Escape: Shared Respawn

Sat 14. 9. 2024, 17:00
Sklepní scéna Centra experimentálního divadla

The closing event of the Luring Escape series inspired by the Let's Play phenomenon. A guided performance of the escape game with instructions for its successful completion for the participants of The Experience escape game and all those who like to watch, play games, or watch streamers.

The ending of the Luring Escape series will enhance the audience's previous experience by incorporating a live performance of an escape play, showcasing what this unique blend of gaming and theatre has got to offer.

17:00 [Ritornel]: Xenoglyphs puzzle Czech Let's Play
18:00 živý Let’s Play + discussion with players

[Ritornel]: Xenoglyphs puzzle Czech Let's Play
With its addictive gameplay and precise art direction, the sci-fi "bullet hell" platformer Returnal has, despite its difficulty, captivated those beyond the roguelike genre community, which thrives on perpetual dying, repetition, and unlocking new options and paths. Together, we will experience the effects of toxic rain on the protagonist's spacesuit, navigate Vandermeer-esque overpopulation, wrestle with mutated cyberfauna, explore an extinct civilization, and relive traumas seemingly left behind on Earth.

Performance and commentary by Lumír Nykl and Jakub Hájek.

Event is a part of Luring Escape series
10/6 Kompas – vernissage
5–7/9 & 12–13/9 The Experience – escape game
14/9 Shared Respawn – live Let’s Play

Authors: Bernardeta Babáková, Kristýna Businská, Max Máslo
Collaboration: Ateliér duchů, Lumír Nykl, Jakub Hájek, Max Lysáček
Sound collaboration: Jakub Zbořil
Acting collaboration: Barbora Dobišarová

Luring Escape is another project of Terén, which is part of a series of one-off events called Nové sady.