The pilgrimage, the walking, the crossing of boundaries, the slow movement through the landscape may not only be a way home, but also a way to ourselves. We walk along the familiar pilgrimage routes, but also through our common Austrian and Czech history, through the sediments of our common cultural memory, as well as being inspired by texts, legends and fairy tales that have shaped or reflected our Central European region (Franz Kafka, W.G. Sebald, Claudio Magris, Franz Josef I. Jakub Deml, Josef Kroutvor, Josef Váchal, Jürgen Serke or the author of bloody novels, the dark romantic Heinrich Spiess).
The director Anna Klimešová is one of the founding members of the 8 People group, the initiator of the cultural community platform Horní Maršov - Open Museum in her native Krkonoše Mountains and the director of original productions that have been among the successful theatre works since her studies at KALD DAMU. These have been staged for example at Theatre Na zábradlí, Vzlet, Husa na provázku, Terén, Městská divadla pražská, Naivní divadlo Liberec, etc.
The original bilingual production was created in collaboration between Terén and the Landestheater Niederösterreich in Sankt Pölten.