Field for performing arts

The pilgrimage, the walking, the crossing of boundaries, the slow movement through the landscape may not only be a way home, but also a way to ourselves. We walk along the familiar pilgrimage routes, but also through our common Austrian and Czech history, through the sediments of our common cultural memory, as well as being inspired by texts, legends and fairy tales that have shaped or reflected our Central European region (Franz Kafka, W.G. Sebald, Claudio Magris, Franz Josef I. Jakub Deml, Josef Kroutvor, Josef Váchal, Jürgen Serke or the author of bloody novels, the dark romantic Heinrich Spiesse).

A scenic map of the perception of the Czech-Austrian landscape, the stories that are hidden in it and the traces that are inscribed in it. About who all crossed the border and what stories took place there. The original bilingual production was created in collaboration between Terén and the Landestheater Niederösterreich in Sankt Pölten.

Director: Anna Klimešová
Dramaturgy: Lukáš Jiřička
Set and costume design by Zuzana Sceranková
Music and sound: Michal Cáb
Performers: Milada Vyhnálková, Matěj Šumbera, Tobias Artner, Marthe Lola Deutschmann

The original bilingual production was created in cooperation between Terén and Landestheater Niederösterreich in Sankt Pölten.

Austrian premiere: 7/5, Landestheter Niederösterreich, Sankt Pölten
Czech premiere: 19/5/2022, CED Sklepní scéna, Brno

Language: CZ & DE
Duration: 90 minutes

Director: Anna Klimešová
Dramaturgy: Lukáš Jiřička
Set and costume design by Zuzana Sceranková
Music and sound: Michal Cáb
Light design: Jonáš Garaj
Performers: Milada Vyhnálková, Matěj Šumbera, Tobias Artner, Laura Laufenberg

Created in cooperation with Landestheater Niederösterreich in Sankt Pölten.

Austrian premiere: 7/5, Landestheter Niederösterreich, Sankt Pölten
Czech premiere: 19/5/2022, CED Sklepní scéna, Brno

Language: CZ & DE
Duration: 90 minutes

The performance takes place on the CED Cellar Stage, in the basement of the Centre for Experimental Theatre. There is no elevator.

Landestheater Niederösterreich, Sankt Pölten, Rakousko