Field for performing arts

Rickey Mouse Fun House

Wed 24. 11. 2021, 19:30
Sklepní scéna CED

Concert performance. Smelly Free Cheese Jazz. Pasi Mäkelä and guests.

Comical, satirical and crazy evening with man-size burnt-out entertainer mouse and his gnawer colleagues.
This time RMFH brings you a political entertainment rally for Maow The Cat, leader of new era individual cat communism. Twitched and genre-free music, strange and instructive performance numbers form an event horizon of culture critical and an orgasmic art experience saturated with dark light. Rickey Mouse Fun House is juggling with political correctness, traveling beyond the boundaries of good taste and revitalizing the ancient art of the Underground.

No language barrier.

Performers: Pasi Mäkelä, Petr Vrba, Tomas Vtipil, Klára Pudláková, Martin Debřička, Elia Morretti, Keya Singh, Roland Rauschmeier, etc.

Pasi Mäkelä (1975) is a Finnish conceptual artist, performer, choreographer and musician partly based in Prague. His performances are largely based on butoh (butō), a Japanese avant-garde dance that emerged in the early 1960s. Butoh is known for its extreme physical approach to dance expression. Pasi developed the Finnish version of butoh dance. During the last years he has been actively involved in many diverse performances and musical projects in Finland, the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria.

The project was created with the support of: Hlavní město Praha, Asociace Mlok, Cirkus Maximus a MKČR.

Facebook Event

21/11, 50 minutes