Field for performing arts

PYL: Reality Surfing & Sbírka žmolků

Thu 18. 11. 2021, 19:30

During the evening there will be a performance of Reality Surfing, a new project of the group PYL, co-produced by Terén and Alfred ve dvoře, and the audiovisual work Collection of Slags by artists Ondřej Vavrečka and Michal Cáb.

A new project of the group PYL, co-produced by Terén and Alfred ve dvoře. Reality Surfing is non-narrative visual performance, which proposes to the audience to experience an alternative model of coexistence of people and inanimate entities. It discovers new relations between daily objects through their materiality and presence in one space, which gain an equivalent value as presence of a human body. Scenography of the piece comprises a system which exists and functions according to its own rights. It serves and requires a service; it absorbs and triggers; it’s geometry is meaningless as well as a feeling of destruction. The authors invite a spectator/ visitor to forget about rational logic and surf into a new reality composed in collaboration with sponges, oranges, machines, ghosts and other unexpected species.

Each of us assemble our own small worlds with the available things and knowledge, using random fragments of reality as stones for building the wall against the wind. When the wall falls, we find ourselves in a vapour landscape which unites collapsed pieces into the new creature. Where we can surf from the cardboard box to the dolphin’s fin by accepting the terms and conditions. Where are moments of entropy and freedom, no matter if we are locked up, locked down or just among ourselves and our surroundings.

Praha: 7. 10. 2021, Alfred ve dvoře
Brno: 18. 11. 2021, OC Dornych
The project is a collaboration between MOTUS - Alfred ve dvoře and Terén.

PYL: Světlana Silič, Maria Komarova, Anna Romanova, Theresa Schrezenmeir
Performers: Světlana Silič, Maria Komarova
Music: Theresa Schrezenmeir
Production: Judita Císařová, Motus, z.s., Alfred ve dvoře, Terén—Pole performativního umění
Thanks to: Sodja Zupanc-Lotker, Tomáš Procházka, Lukáš Jiřička, Andrey Dabrakou, Michal Mitro, CEDIT
Support: MOTUS, z.s, Terén—Field for performing arts, DAMU
Thanks to: Sodja Zupanc-Lotker, Tomáš Procházka, Lukáš Jiřička, Andrey Dabrakou, Cristina Maldonado, Michal Mitro, CEDIT

Supported by: hlavní město Praha, Ministerstvo kultury České republiky, statutární město Brno, Státní fond kultury České republiky, MČ Praha 7 / Art District 7, DAMU

PYL is an international collective of artists who devise together in the field of postdramatic theatre, visual arts, sound and intermedia. Their practice explores the borders of anthropocentric perception in a dialog with objects and ironic attempts to grasp nonhuman agency. Through application of DIY methods, recycling and compilation principles, the group develops its own visual language, which extends the meanings of scenography far beyond the theatre stage. Their works shift cultural codes, contexts and origins of regular things, while transforming objects to beings and beings to objects. Sensitivity towards the dailiness, sharing moments and personal experiences in non-linear and playful ways transmit on the group's associative approach on coworking process.

Sbírka žmolků
Ondřej Vavrečka and Michal Cáb's collection of smudges is an endless "film" created with the help of a slide projector with a carousel and four independent looped sound sources. The slides are transparent and carry on them a collection of wrinkles that the author has collected over the last few years from sweaters, belly buttons, sweeping floors and corners of drawers. And the sound is a smudge of words that need to be written to get rid of the crumbs in one's head. So it's a hygiene "film".

Ondřej Vavrečka is a filmmaker, musician and artist. He uses transversal mythpoetic methods to look at the world and live in it. He mixes the serious with the humorous, the everyday with the sacred, the high with the low. He teaches at the Film and Television Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts.

Michal Cáb is mainly involved in improvisation, programming, sound and _. He graduated and postgraduated in the studio of Tomas . In his artistic and ___ practice he mainly explores the use of languages and open as a basic expressive for today's . His instrumental is the system and programming language , whose possibilities he uses both in , and context. He has implemented a number of for theatrical and exhibition . He is open livecoding Collective.

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OC Dornych (bývalý Prior)