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Terén's performances on a trip to Mexico

Mexico City 1/10/2023

Mexiko City

The Terén platform is bringing three productions (two of its own and one co-production) to Mexico, which will be presented to the audience in the capital city - Ciudad de México during September! In the dates from 1/9 to 24/9 we will present PYL: Reality Surfing, Insider: Unwrapping Reality and also our youngest production for children - Little Visitors.

PYL: Reality Surfing
At time: 2/9, 19:00 and 3/9, 18:00

Authos: Světlana Silič, Maria Komarova, Anna Romanova, Theresa Schrezenmeir
Reality Surfing is a visual performance, which proposes to the audience to experience an alternative model of coexistence of people and inanimate entities. It discovers new relations between daily objects through their materiality and presence in one space, which gain an equivalent value as presence of a human body. Scenography of the piece comprises a system which exists and functions according to its own rights. It serves and requires a service; it absorbs and triggers; it’s geometry is meaningless as well as a feeling of destruction. The authors invite a spectator/ visitor to forget about rational logic and surf into a new reality composed in collaboration with sponges, oranges, machines, ghosts and other unexpected species.

The hosting of Reality Surfing in Mexico City is in collaboration with the Museo Universitario del Chopo, the artistic organization of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). The performance is part of the PerformCzech Links out project, a presentation of Czech performing arts in Mexico, organized by the Institute of Arts – Theatre Institute with the support of the National Recovery Plan.

Insider: Unwrapping Reality
At time: 1/9 15:00 and 16:30, 2/9 12:00, 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30, 3/9 12:00 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30, 7/9 12:00 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30, 8/9 12:00 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30, 9/9 12:00 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30, 10/9 12:00 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30

Accompanying programme:
5/9, Artist talk: Cristina Maldonado, 10–13:00 and 14:30–17:30

Authors: Cristina Maldonado, Eva Rosemarijn, Lea Kukovičič, Keya Singh, Isabela Juchniewicz, Lamija Čehajić
In our daily life, technology enables us to exist simultaneously in multiple places. We are immersed in a continuous negotiation with things, processes, and people that are not physically present. We commonly identify them as a “virtual presence”, as a sort of representation of an original that exists somewhere else. We place this “copy” at a lower level in the scale of reality as it cannot fully affect us. It cannot be touched and therefore cannot be considered truly real.

Insider is hosted in Mexico City in collaboration with the Museo Universitario del Chopo, the artistic organization of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). The performance is part of the PerformCzech Links out project, a presentation of Czech performing arts in Mexico, organized by the Institute of Arts - Theatre Institute with the support of the National Recovery Plan.

Little Visitors
At time: 22/9 11:00 and 17:00, 23/9 10:00 and 13:00 and 24/9 at 10:00 and 13:00

Accompanying programme:
18/9 Workshop with Robert Smolík, 10–14:00
19/9 Workshop with Robert Smolík, 10–14:00

Authors: Veronika Vlková a Robert Smolík
Little Visitors attempts to show things up close. To let you experience the moment of colour creation, feel how the paper soaks it up, see how to hold a brush, how it glides over the surface, and how it resists. It is a glance at things common and simple that, however, at a closer look speak in a language of miracles. The performance unfolds as a dialogue between Veronika Vlková, a painter and an illustrator, and Robert Smolík, a puppeteer and a scenographer. It is a dialogue on the border between an exhibition and theatre.

Hosting the production of Little Visitors and accompanying educational activities in Mexico City are in collaboration with Alas y Raíces, a program of the Coordinación Nacional de Desarrollo Cultural Infantil (CNDCI) / Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno de México). The performance is part of the PerformCzech Skills project, an educational event in Mexico, organized by the Institute of Arts - Theatre Institute with the support of the National Recovery Plan.

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