Field for performing arts

Návštěva – performativní workshop

Sat 25. 5. 2024, 10:00

Accompanying programme to the Little Visitors play. Together we will explore the natural sources of colours during a walk in the woods.

A blackbird singing in the distance, the grass rustles underfoot and we go for a walk through the Jundrovo countryside, the gardening colony, and the adjacent woods. We will encounter plant creatures, whom we will ask for a flower donation for the basket and then brew a colorful potion from it. An adventurous and inscrutable alchemical process full of surprising color transformations begins. The cauldron bubbles and sputters over the fire and before it releases its concoction, together we will make simple puppets from the collected materials that will be part of the final performance of Little Visitors.

The workshop precedes the Sunday performance of the play Little Visitors, which we are performing on 26/5 at 11:00 and 15:00 in the CED Studio.

Facebook Event

25/5/2024, 10:00
Sraz na zastávce Jundrov, Optátova

Pro rodiče a děti od 4 let. Během události bude zajištěné pití i veganské jídlo. Nejprve náš čeká procházka přírodou (2h), po které dorazíme na základnu ekologického centra Lipka–Rozmarýnek v Jundrově. K dispozici bude kompletní zázemí včetně záchodu, umyvadla a kuchyňky.